The EscoPod AZH: For Application in Healthcare

The EscoPod is a patented, high temperature air source heat pump technology developed specifically to eliminate fossil fuels and carbon emissions from heating and cooling in Healthcare buildings.

What makes the EscoPod different?

With high temperature output, multifunctional modes, ultra-low GWP refrigerant, optimised defrost cycle management, and high efficiency, the EscoPod AZH enables your organisation to decarbonise rapidly, without the need for costly and disruptive building fabric and mechanical system upgrades, and with market leading return on investment.

Product Overview

High Temperature Output

The use of R1234ze refrigerant, an ultra-low GWP refrigerant (GWP 7), allows us to deliver output temperatures of up to 80°C at reasonable operating pressures. Our patented design maximises the use of sub-cooling to deliver high temperature output at high efficiency.

Multi-functional Outputs  

Heating circuits are served through condensing of the refrigerant at high temperatures and DHW is delivered from sub-cooling of the refrigerant, with no additional power consumption.

High Efficiency Output

Free heat is recovered from the liquid refrigerant as a source for a supplementary internal heat pump that contributes, with ultra high efficiency, to the heat output.

Defrost Cycle Management 

Defrosting is a significant consumer of energy in any air source heat pump system, especially in a high humidity climate. The EscoPod has a patented intelligent defrost technology, using waste heat from the internal refrigeration circuit. This delivers a dramatic reduction in defrost cycle energy and frequency, protecting the SCOP of the system.

Cooling as a Free Output

The EscoPod system can also be optionally configured to provide chilled water. This allows the client to run a chilling system without any extra power consumption (free output).

Premium Quality Components 

Premium European manufactured industrial grade components are used throughout, giving a design life in excess of 30 years for typical commercial applications.

Aftercare & Performance Monitoring

Comprehensive aftercare, performance validation and condition monitoring package available.

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